International divorce is to be realised between spouses holding citizenship of different countries or/ and leaving abroad. The International Divorce in Germany is possible when:

  • one spouse is German and the other one is a foreigner, but both live in Germany
  • one spouse lives in Germany, the other one is abroad
  • both spouses are Germans living abroad
  • both spouses are foreigners holding residence permit in Germany

In case if both spouses live in Germany an international divorce is performed under the laws of Germany taking into account the national laws of the country/countries of origin.

The spouses can agree that divorce is performed according to the national law of the country of origin of the one of them or both of them.  Or one spouse can choose the law of country of his residence. In this case the German court is going to act due to the foreign legislation.

Getting divorced according to the foreign law can be an advantage. Many countries don’t require a year of separation before applying for divorce. And there is no balancing of pensions like in Germany.

We will calculate for you the costs of divorce. You can contact us by phone.

In the case of unemployment of one spouse/both spouses is possible to apply for the state subsidies to pay the lawyer costs and the court sitting costs during the divorce.

It is also possible to get divorced without arriving to Germany.

Our law office focuses on international divorces. We have reach experience in the international law and regulations.

Contact us: tel.  002331 409319 from Germany and tel. +492331409319 from abroad or send a message to info@twitting.eu

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